Du Zhizheng and Argentine Scientists at the Seminar Held by the Argentine Minister of Science and Technology in China


Lino Barañao, Argentina's Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation


      During his visit to China, Argentine Minister of Science, Technology and Production Innovation Lino Barañao held a press conference at the Argentine Embassy in China on the afternoon of June 4. Ballario listed a number of cooperation projects between China and Argentina in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and believed that the economic complementarity between China and Argentina is reflected in many fields, and the prospects for scientific and technological cooperation are also very broad.


      This is Baranho's second visit to China, and he thinks this trip is of great significance. He said: "China-Arab economic and trade relations are very close and deepened day by day. At the same time, technological innovation cooperation between the two countries is also being actively carried out."


      Baranho first introduced the first stop of his trip to China, the China-Argentina Joint Research Center for Food Science and Technology established in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He said: "The establishment of this research center by both sides is of great significance. It is the first institution established by China and Argentina in the field of food processing. Argentina is a big food-producing country, and its production capacity can almost feed 400 million people. But Argentina has only 40 million people. Therefore, Argentina's food production capacity can meet the needs of other countries including China to a large extent." Baranio also told reporters that through the research center, China and Argentina have achieved freshness in meat and plant-based food preservation. Fruitful results have been achieved, and both parties have entered a new stage in the development of functional foods.


Du Zhizheng had academic exchanges with Argentine scientists at the seminar held by the Argentine Minister of Science and Technology in China


      Baranho also pointed out that he signed relevant agreements with relevant Chinese parties during his visit to China. China and Arab states will continue to deepen cooperation in biomedicine, renewable energy, new materials and information technology. He believes that these agreements not only show the direction of the two countries' efforts in the field of scientific and technological cooperation from the height of combat readiness, but also that enterprises of the two sides can carry out practical cooperation through this mechanism. Baranho said: "The development of science and technology itself is of course very important, but technology must ultimately be combined with social development to serve the country and the people."


      During his visit to China, Argentine Minister of Science, Technology and Production Innovation Lino Barañao held a press conference at the Argentine Embassy in China on the afternoon of June 4th. Ballario listed a number of cooperation projects between China and Argentina in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and believed that the economic complementarity between China and Argentina is reflected in many fields, and the prospects for scientific and technological cooperation are also very broad.


      This is Baranho's second visit to China, and he thinks this trip is of great significance. He said: "China-Arab economic and trade relations are very close and deepened day by day. At the same time, technological innovation cooperation between the two countries is also being actively carried out."


      Baranho first introduced the first stop of his trip to China, the China-Argentina Joint Research Center for Food Science and Technology established in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He said: "The establishment of this research center by both sides is of great significance. It is the first institution established by China and Argentina in the field of food processing. Argentina is a big food-producing country, and its production capacity can almost feed 400 million people. But Argentina has only 40 million people. Therefore, Argentina's food production capacity can meet the needs of other countries including China to a large extent." Baranio also told reporters that through the research center, China and Argentina have achieved freshness in meat and plant-based food preservation. Fruitful results have been achieved, and both parties have entered a new stage in the development of functional foods.


      Baranho also pointed out that he signed relevant agreements with relevant Chinese parties during his visit to China. China and Arab states will continue to deepen cooperation in biomedicine, renewable energy, new materials and information technology. He believes that these agreements not only show the direction of the two countries' efforts in the field of scientific and technological cooperation from the height of combat readiness, but also that enterprises of the two sides can carry out practical cooperation through this mechanism. Baranho said: "The development of science and technology itself is of course very important, but technology must ultimately be combined with social development to serve the country and the people."


      Baranio also revealed that during his meeting with Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology of China, the two sides exchanged views on increasing exchanges between Chinese and Arab students and researchers. He said: "I also proposed to the Chinese side that there is a science and technology research and development center in Buenos Aires, and I hope Chinese companies can actively participate."


      At present, China has also become Argentina's second largest trading partner, which also shows that the economies of China and Argentina are complementary. So, can China and Afghanistan also complement each other in the development of science and technology? Regarding the question of the reporter from the World Wide Web, Baranio affirmed: "The economic complementarity between China and Arab countries is reflected in many fields, as well as in the field of science and technology." example of cooperation. He concluded: "The cooperation between Chinese and Arab enterprises is the scope of cooperation between the two countries in the field of innovation."


      While introducing the results of the cooperation between the two parties, Baranio also looked forward to future cooperation. He said that northern Argentina is rich in lithium ore, and he hoped that China and Argentina can cooperate to develop lithium batteries with higher safety performance. In addition, Argentina is a big agricultural country and has a strong demand for modern freight trains, which is also a major area where companies from China and Argentina can cooperate.


      It is understood that on June 6, technology companies from China and Arab countries will jointly hold a seminar, at which time they will discuss issues of their respective concerns.